
4th ENP PhD Summer School: “The ENP under Pressure: Conceptual and Empirical Understandings of EU Foreign Policy towards the Southern and Eastern Neighbours”.

Following the success of previous summer schools held at the Natolin (Warsaw) campus of the College of Europe, the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair organized the 4th ENP PhD Summer School on “The ENP under Pressure: Conceptual and Empirical Understandings of EU Foreign Policy towards the Southern and Eastern Neighbours”. The Summer School took take place from 23 June to 1 July 2016 at the College of Europe, Natolin campus in Warsaw.

23 June 24 June 25 June 27 June
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9:00- 10:30

Prof. Tobias Schumacher
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

Opening and welcome followed by a lecture on the ENP and ENP revisions

Dr. Madalina Dobrescu
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

Conceptual Approaches to the ENP

Dr. Guillame Van der Loo
(Ghent University)

The EU, the ENP and the New Generation of Association Agreements

Prof. Thomas Demmelhuber
(University of Hildesheim)

Democratization and the Arab Spring
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:45- 12:45

Prof. Theofanis Exadaktylos
(University of Surrey)

Research Methodology in the context of the EUFP/ENP
11:00 – 12:15

Maryna Rabinovych

The Conceptualization of the EU

Rule of Law Promotion Policy: From Enlargement to the Integration without Membership
11:00 – 12:15

Roxana Andrei

Energy Security: Dynamics in the Caspian-Black Sea Region and their Impact on the Eastern Partnership
11:00 – 12:15

Clara Della Valle

Which EU in the Southern Mediterranean? Case studies: EU Women’s Rights Promotion in Egypt and Tunisia
Lunch Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00

Theresa Bachmann

More for More - the Conditionality Approach of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): A Critical Analysis of the ENP as an Integration Method

Prof. Elisabeth Johansson - Nogues
(Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals)

Perceptions of the ENP and of its Values and Norms Promotion
14:00 - 15:30

Prof. Licinia Simao
(University of Coimbra)

The ENP’s Security Promotion in the South Caucasus: Whose Security, from What Threats and by What Means?

Prof. Tobias Schumacher
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

The EU, the ENP and the Mashreq post-2011
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
15:45 - 17:00

Ingrid Heidlmayr

Shaping Domestic Reform Agenda through External Governance Transfer: The Impact of External Governance

Irina Petrova
Comparative Analysis of the External Perceptions of the EU's and Russia's Power in the EaP Region: Implications for Foreign Policy

Ines Marques

The legitimacy of the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union: The stakeholders’ perspective
16:00 - 17:10

Mher Hakobyan

Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of the EU's Eastern Partnership Programme in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova

keynote Lecture by Mr. Colin Scicluna, Member of Cabinet, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations at European Commission
17:30 - 18:15

Dr. Madalina Dobrescu and Dr. Anna-Sophie Maas
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

How to Write a PhD - and Finish It

Official Opening Dinner
28 June 29 June 30 June 1 July
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Prof. Dimitris Bouris
(University of Amsterdam)

The EU and State-Building in the Southern Neighbourhood

Dr. Vsevolod Samokhvalov
(University of Cambridge)

The EU Policies in the Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine

Dr. Anna-Sophie Maas
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

Facing the Other in the "Shared Backyard". Challenges in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood

Prof. Munevver Cebeci
(Marmara University, Istanbul and College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

Constructing Europe through the ENP
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11:00 - 12:15

Libby Lahar

The Pot of Gold of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
11:00 - 12:15

Iryna Hnasevych
Administrative Capacity as Criteria for Accession to the European Union on the Example of Ukraine

Urban Jaksa

Interpreting Non-recognition in De Facto States Engagement: The Case of Abkhazia
11:00 - 12:15

Vanda Amaro Dias

Hegemony, Domination and Resistance: a Critical Constructivist Analysis of Power and Security Relations Between the European Union, Russia and their Shared Neighbourhood
Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Dr. Kristi Raik
(The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki)

The Eastern Partnership, Geopolitics and the Broader Geostrategic Context of the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood
Prof. Jean Pierre Cassarino
(Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, Tunis)

Migration, the Drive for Readmission and the Refugee Crisis: What lies behind
Dr. François Finck
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

(Non)-recognition and International Law: De facto Authorities and Would-be States in Europe’s Neighbourhood

Prof. Knud-Erik Jorgensen
(Aarhus University)

Discursively (De-) Constructing European Foreign Policy: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Closing coffee