
5th European Neighbourhood Policy PhD Summer School: In Search of Resilience in the EU and its Neighbourhoods: Reconciling Democracy and Security?

Framed by a truly topical and contested theme of reconciling the European Union’s and its neighbours’ search for democracy and security in view of growing internal instability and external security challenges, the 2017 edition of the ENP PhD Summer School brought together both research on, and researchers from, the EU and its neighbourhoods to discuss their doctoral projects in the context of the outlined issues. The ENP PhD Summer School concentrated on analysing conceptually and empirically the dynamics between the European Union and its eastern and southern neighbourhoods, with a special focus on the nexus between democracy and security, state and societal resilience. Both democracy and security are at the core of the EU’s transformative engagement in its neighbourhoods. Since 2014, and particularly with the adoption of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy strategy in 2015, state and societal resilience have come to supplement the EU’s multifaceted engagement in neighbourhood state-building, regional economic and development-related stabilization initiatives, including the increased cooperation on internal and external security challenges. Understanding the perplexing nature of the democracy-security nexus in the emerging meta-political framework of the EU’s resilience strategy is central to the analysis of the social and political transformations in Europe and its neighbourhoods.


Topics addressed during the summer school included, among others: # Research design in the study of European integration, EU foreign policy and the ENP # Conceptual approaches in the study of the ENP # What kind of power? Role concepts, the ENP and ‘Normative Power Europe’ # External perceptions of the ENP and the EU as an international actor # Security dilemmas in the European Union’s neighbourhood # EU multi-level governance and the ENP. Institutional accounts of ENP decision-making # The ENP and democracy promotion # The politics of neighbourhood association: The case of Ukraine # The EU and state-building in the southern neighbourhood # The ENP and the Eastern Partnership – The case of South Caucasus # The role of civil societies in conflicts in the neighbourhood # The EU, the ENP and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict # State and societal resilience in the EU and its neighbourhood # Migration and displacement in the European neighbourhood.

21 June 22 June 23 June 26 June
Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday
9:00- 10:00

The European Neighbourhood Policy Chair
(College of Europe, Natolin, Warsaw)

Opening and welcome

(Managing Director Europe and Central Asia, EEAS)

(Ghent University)

The new generation of Association Agreements between the EU and its East European neighbours

(College of Europe, Natolin)

The EU and the Mashreq: Between conflict management and external governance
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:00- 12:45

Prof. Theofanis EXADAKTYLOS
(University of Surrey)

Research methodology in the context of the EUFP/ENP
11:00 - 12:15

Viktor Szep

The framework for collective decision-making in EU foreign policy: the case of the sanctions imposed against Eastern European countries
11:00 - 12:15

Tatsiana Shaban

Governance in areas of democratic development and security in the Eastern Partnership policy of the European Union: the case of Ukraine. Institutional opportunities for cross-border cooperation in Ukraine in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
11:00 - 12:15

Tamar Kakhadze

Georgia’s integration process into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation’s influence and role on this process
Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00

Cosima Glahn

The effectiveness of the European Neighborhood Policy
14:00 - 15:30

Prof. Chris BROWNING
(University of Warwick)

Geostrategies, geopolitics and ontological security in the eastern neighbourhood: The European Union and the "New Cold War"
14:00 - 15:30

Dr. Madalina DOBRESCU
(College of Europe, Natolin)

Theoretical and conceptual approaches to the ENP
14:00 - 15:30

Prof. Laure DELCOUR

A multi-level analysis of (competing) regionalist projects: The European Union’s Eastern Partnership and the Eurasian Economic Union in the South Caucasus
Coffe break Coffe break Coffee break Coffee break
15:45 - 17:00

Deniz Mutluer

The impact of the creation of the External Action Service (EEAS) and the High Representative/Vice President (HR/VP) on the foreign policy coherence and effectiveness of the EU: the cases of Bosnia and Kosovo

Shota Kakabadze

Georgia’s liminal identity or the never-ending stage of transition?

Elise Ketelaars

European Union support for gender justice in a neighbourhood in transition: The impact of (emerging) security concerns on EU support for women’s rights in Tunisia and Ukraine
16:00 - 17:15

Samir Balakishi

Russia’s foreign economic policy towards the South Caucasus: Economic and political power

Opening Dinner
Natolin Manor
27 June 28 June 29 June 30 June
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(University of Erlangen-Nuremberg )

Democratization and the Arab Spring

Dr. Andriy TYUSHKA
(College of Europe, Natolin)

Russian information and narrative warfare in the EU and its Eastern neighboruhood

Prof. Munevver CEBECI
(Marmara University)

Ideal Power Europe and the European Neighboourhood Policy

Prof. Sharon PARDO
(Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

Euroscepticism as an Israeli weapon of foreign policy
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11:00 - 12:15

Luigi Cino

Building state and societal resilience in the southern neighbourhood: A comparative analysis of EU's action towards Jordan and Tunisia
11:00 - 12:15

Illvija Bruge

Reform process and fight against corruption in Ukraine: Structural limitations
11:00 - 12:15

Natalia Popova

Ukraine - EU relations in the context of transformation of contemporary international relations
11:00 - 12:15

Marta Matrakova

Political transitions in EU- Russia shared neighbourhood
Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00
14:00 - 15:30

Prof. Knud Erik JORGENSEN
(University of Aarhus)

The EU Global Strategy and the ENP
14:00 - 15:30

Prof. Dimitris BOURIS
(University of Amsterdam)

The EU and state-building in the southern neighbourhood

Dr. Leila ALIEVA
(St. Antony's College, University of Oxford)

The EU role in democracy promotion and conflict resolution in the South Caucasus

Dr. Anna-Sophie MAASS
(College of Europe, Natolin)

The significant other – A challenger to the EU’s policy towards Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine
Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break

à Lingyu Xu

To what extent can the EU externalise its asylum policy to third countries without offering the temptation of carrots? The cases of Moldova, Syria and Mali

Maria Giovanna Meduri

The EU naval operations and the EU foreign policy

Elvin Mejidov

European foreign policy analysis on the contents of the EU external democracy promotion. The cases of Azerbaijan and Moldova in the Eastern Partnership

Kamran Ismayilov

Comparative study of the European and Russian approaches towards the South Caucasus

Farewell Reception