3rd ENP PhD Summer School: “The ENP under Pressure: The EU and the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods”
The third edition of the ENP PhD Summer School, focused on “The ENP under Pressure: The EU and the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhoods”, took place from 23 June to 3 July 2015 at the College of Europe, Natolin (Warsaw) campus, the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) the Academic College Tel-Aviv Yaffo, the EU Representative Office for the West Bank and Gaza Strip in East Jerusalem, and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (East Jerusalem and Ramallah).
The school brought together a group of 16 PhD students from all across Europe and trained them in theoretical, empirical and research-strategic issues in the field of EU foreign policy analysis and ENP. Participants were given the opportunity to present their ongoing PhD projects and benefit from scholarly feedback and advice. In order to take into account the geopolitical complexity of the ENP, the first week of the School, held in Poland, focused exclusively on the eastern dimension of the ENP, while the second week, held in Israel and Palestine, focused on the southern dimension of the ENP with a particular focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Warsaw | |||
23 June | 24 June | 25 June | 26 June |
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:30- 10:15
Prof. Tobias Schumacher (College of Europe, Natolin) Opening |
Prof. Munevver Cebeci (Marmara University) Constructing Europe through the ENP |
Dr. Laure Delcour (IRIS, Paris) ENP countries between the Eastern Partnership and Eurasian Integration" |
Prof. Clara Portela (Singapore Management University) The EU, the ENP and the Politics of Sanctions |
short break (optional) | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
10:30- 12:30
Prof. Theofanis Exadaktylos (University of Surrey) Research methodology in the context of the ENP/EUFP |
Prof. Peter van Elsuwege (Ghent University) "The New Generation of Association Agreements between the EU and its East European Neighbours" |
Prof. Florian Trauner (University of Vienna) EU Mobility Partnerships and Free Visa Dialogues: towards an End of Eastern Europe’s "Sharp Edges"? |
Prof. Syuzanna Vasilyan (American University of Armenia) The EU as a Moral Power in the South Caucasus |
lunch (CoE campus) |
lunch (CoE campus) |
lunch (CoE campus) |
lunch (CoE campus) |
Maryna Shevtsova Transnationalizing Public Space in Ukraine: impact of (non-) Europeanization on emerging national discourses and collective identities of Ukrainian citizens |
Lee Turpin Realist-Constructivism as a framework for the analysis of European Union Security Policy making |
Artem Remizov The International Dimension of Democratisation in the Post-Soviet Space: The Impact of the EU and Russia on Ukraine's Political Regime |
Diana Potjomkina The Many Sources of Foreign Policy Expertise: European Union's Policy Towards Belarus, 2004-2014 |
coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
Bruno Vandecasteele The influence of the rotating Council Presidency on external EU policy: the Hungarian, Polish and Lithuanian Presidencies and the Eastern Neighbourhood |
Elsa Hedling EU Foreig Policy in the Information Age |
Marta Kralikova Alternative models of external governance of the EU and Russia and its influence on foreign policies of countries of the Eastern Partnership |
Nikoloz Tokhvadze The Eastern Partnership: One Initiative with Many Visions |
Dinner |
Opening Dinner |
Dr. Anne-Sophie Maas (College of Europe, Natolin) EU-Russia Confrontation in the "shared" neighbourhood |
Warsaw by night: an evening tour |
Key Note Lecture by Prof. Richard Youngs (Warwick University & Carnegie Endowment, Brussels) What kind of geopolitics for the Eastern Partnership? |
Dinner |
Israel & Palestine | |||||
28 June | 29 June | 30 June | 1 July | 2 July | 3 July |
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Welcome and first lecture Dr. Sharon Pardo (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) Normative Power Europe and perceptions as cultural filters: Israeli civic studies as a case study |
Britta Daum The European Union and its neighbourhood: Economic and geopolitical opportunities and challenges to energy supply security |
Lecture by Prof. Thomas Demmelhuber (University of Hildesheim) The Arab Uprisings and Political Change: Democratization, Autocratization and State-Collapse in the EU's Southern Neighbourhood |
Check out from the residences in Beer Sheva
8:30-9:30 Lecture by Prof. Neve Gordon (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) The politics of human shielding |
Lecture by Dr. Dimitris Bouris (College of Europe, Natolin) The EU, contested statehood and state-building in the southern neighbourhood: insights from Palestine and Libya |
check out departure from the hotel |
coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | departure from the hotel | 9:00-11:30
Study tour in Jerusalem Mr. Marik Shtern |
lunch (unorganized) |
13:00 -/+ 18:00
The 4th Annual Young Researchers Conference of European Studies in Israel Summer School Panel: Borders, boundaries, migration, and the ENP Loredana Teodorescu Borders and migration: the cooperation of EU and ENP countries between challenges and opportunities Anne Ingemann Johansen Managing the Influx of Irregular Boat Migrants in the Mediterranean Sea - Assessing the EU's Perfomance as a Multifaceted Strategic Security Actor Paolo Biondi Responsibility and burden-sharing within and beyond the EU borders: A pragmatic approach to the new CEAS |
lunch (unorganized) |
Check out and transfer to Jerusalem
lunch in Jerusalem (Ambassador Hotel) |
Lunch (KAS office Ramallah) |
Prof. David Newman (Ben Gurion University of the Negev) The EU, the ENP and its Southern Dimension through the Lens of Geopolitics |
Zuzana Novakova Time to move beyond the normative transition paradigm? Two cases from the European neighbourhood |
EU Delegation East Jerusalem Discussion on the ENP |
Briefing on the situation in the Palestinian Territories and Roundtable |
Study tour- Unrecognized Bedouin Villages with Dr. Mansour Nasasra |
short break | 14:30
Lunch in Jerusalem |
City tour of Ramallah |
Lecture by Dr. Irene Fernández Molina (College of Europe, Natolin) Special relationships and moments of truth in the European Neighbourhood Policy: the EU-Morocco Advanced Status to the test of the Arab Spring |
Dormition Abbey, Mount Zion Meeting with Pater Dr. Nikodemus Jerusalem Institute of the Görres Society |
Departure to Jerusalem 19:30 Dinner in Jerusalem |
Vesper with the Friars (optional) Dormition Abbey |
Evening in Tel Aviv - travel back to Beer Sheva (bus) | Dinner at the hotel |