Research Fellow , European Neighbourhood Policy Chair
Dr Emile BADARIN holds a PhD in Middle East Politics from the University of Exeter, an MSc in International Relations from the University of Bristol, an MSc in Political Science from Uppsala University and an MSc in Urban and Built Environment/Spatial Planning from the Stockholm-based Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden).
Dr BADARIN’s research cuts across fields of international relations and foreign policy, with the Middle East as an area study. His research at the ENP Chair examines vicissitudes of EU foreign policy since the Arab revolts in 2011. At Natolin, he is teaching a compact seminar on the ‘EU, Neighbourhoods and the Politics of Recognition’ in the second semester.
Selected publications:
- Politics and Economy of Resilience: EU Resilience-building in Palestine and Jordan and its Disciplinary Governance. European Security, (2020): 1–20.
- States Recognition in Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden’s Recognition of Palestine. Foreign Policy Analysis: 16/1 (2020): 78–97.
- Aid, Security and Fortress Europe: EU Development Aid in the Middle East and North Africa. In: Routledge Handbook on EU-Middle East Relations (London: Routledge, Forthcoming) – with Wildeman, J.
- The EU, Resilience and the Southern Neighbourhood After the Arab Uprisings. In: Cusumano E. and Hofmaier, S. eds., Projecting Resilience Across the MediterraneaN (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020): 63–86, 2020 – with Schumacher, T.
- From Social to Political Sectarianism in the Middle East World. In: The Sectarian Question the Production of Minorities in the Arab World (Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies 2017): 129–153.
- Palestine: A Protracted Peacebuilding Process. Conflict and Society: Advances in Research, 3 (2017): 227–245.
- Settler-colonialist Management of Entrances to the Native Urban Space in Palestine. Settler Colonial Studies, 5/3 (2015): 226–235.
Get in touch
+48 22 54 59 751
ul. Nowoursynowska 84, PL-02-797 Warszawa | Rectorate, room 9